Results for 'Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia'

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  1.  32
    Transitional Justice in Colombia: A Systematic Literature Review.Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia & Sonia Sánchez-Arteaga - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:500-531.
    Transitional justice in Colombia has evolved, reflecting the political, social, and academic changes in the country. This study is a systematic review of the literature through articles indexed in Web of Science, applying the PRISMA protocol. Out of 3819 articles published in the last five years (2019-2024), 109 articles were selected following strict exclusion criteria. The methodology includes a quantitative analysis complemented with the visual analysis tool Posit PBC™ for bibliometric analysis in Biblioshyni. The study addresses the research question on (...)
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    The Academic Spin-Off Ecosystem: a comparative analysis between Colombia and Global Trends (8th edition).Alexander Romero-Sánchez & Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Academic entrepreneurship and the formation of spin-offs from educational institutions have been consolidated as essential elements to promote innovation and stimulate economic growth worldwide. However, the evolution of these initiatives shows marked differences between developed countries and emerging economies, such as Colombia. This study focuses on analyzing how research in this area has progressed, identifying the key factors that determine the success of spin-offs and suggesting a framework for action for Colombia in comparison with international dynamics. The findings reveal a (...)
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    Medical Responsibility in the Colombian Context: A Review of Negligence from the Legal Framework and Ethical Perspective. [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Aponte García, Ana María Lozano Hurtado, Leidy Johana Arcila Montoya, Luis Carlos Muñoz González & Maria Del Pilar Garcia Valdes - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1884-1897.
    This article explores medical responsibility and negligence from an ethical and legal perspective within the Colombian context. It highlights causes of negligence such as deficiencies in professional training and organizational problems. The article emphasizes "objective imputation as key to determining the criminal responsibility of the physician" (Alvarado D. 2019). The objectives include analyzing the current legal framework in Colombia and assessing the link between medical ethics and legal responsibility. The methodology builds upon a thorough examination of specialized literature, including peer-reviewed (...)
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    Sovereignty by design and human values in agriculture data spaces.Rosa María Gil, Mark Ryan & Roberto García - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-26.
    Because of the importance of data-sharing for the economy, improved products and services, and to benefit society, the European Union has proposed developing a Common European Data Space (CEDS). The goal is to create a single European data market through 14 domain-specific data spaces (e.g., agriculture, or the Common European Agricultural Data Space (CEADS)). One of the central tenets of the CEDS is to ensure that those who share data can maintain control over who has access to, use of, and (...)
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    O Programa Jovem de Futuro no Pará e as implicações para o Direito Humano à Educação – DHE.Elisangela Maria Pereira, Márcia Cossetin & Teise Garcia - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):69-114.
    Resumo: O presente artigo sistematiza informações sobre a implementação do Programa Jovem de Futuro, PJF, na rede estadual de ensino no Pará, considerando suas implicações para o Direito Humano à Educação, DHE, de acordo com o proposto no Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais- PIDESC, que demarca quatro indicadores da ação estatal para a asseguramento do direito à Educação. São eles: Disponibilidade, Acessibilidade, Aceitabilidade, Adaptabilidade e, ainda, Controle Social incorporado na matriz de pesquisa. Em diálogo com tais (...)
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  6. La idea fichteana de cultura.María del Pilar García Alonso - 2001 - El Basilisco 29:67-82.
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  7. El teatro de la zona nacional durante la guerra civil española, 1936-1939: notas para su historia.María Teresa Cristina García Alvarez - 1990 - El Basilisco 6:53-68.
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  8. Género y salud: un marco de análisis e intervención.María del Mar García Calvente - 2004 - Diálogo Filosófico 59:212-228.
    En este artículo se revisan los conceptos de género y sexo, su papel como determinantes de la salud, y su relación con la desigualdad. Se analizan los diferentes modelos explicativos que se proponen en la bibliografía para comprender las relaciones entre género y situación de salud y cómo recientemente se ha evolucionado desde el campo de la salud de las mujeres hacia el enfoque de género en salud. Por último se presentan las aplicaciones del análiis de género en salud y (...)
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    Determinants of the multinationals' social response. Empirical application to international companies operating in Spain.María la Cruz Déniz-Dénidez & Juan Manuel García-Falcón - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):339 - 370.
    To survive and be successful in today's setting of globalisation and complexity, companies are obliged to think in wider strategic terms, developing active and enterprising strategies that include social, political and ecological elements, besides the economic ones. The analysis of the relationship between companies and society is especially interesting when these companies operate in international markets. Countries demand that large corporations contribute to local, regional and national development in such a way that their resources are exchanged for a significant increase (...)
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  10. Brainworkers: trabajadores del conocimiento.María Teresa Rojo López & Oscar Abellón García - 2004 - Aposta 5:4.
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    Consideraciones acerca de la evaluación de los objetivos educativos en la disciplina Morfofisiología.María Josefina Méndez Martínez, Carmen Rosa Hidalgo García, Neyda Fernández Franch & Miriela Betancourt Valladares - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):276-288.
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    Evaluation of the Educative Objectives of Morphophysiology I in Dentistry.María Josefina Méndez Martínez & Hidalgo García - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):754-771.
    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para identificar los procedimientos que utiliza el colectivo de Morfofisiología I de la carrera de Estomatología para evaluar los objetivos educativos de la asignatura. Conformaron el universo todos los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera del curso 2010-2011 y los profesores del colectivo de la asignatura de la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey. Se aplicaron encuestas a profesores y estudiantes y guías de observación a las diferentes formas de organización de la enseñanza. Los profesores (...)
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    Methodology to evaluate the educative objectives of the subject Morphophysiology I in the dental career.María Josefina Méndez Martínez & Hidalgo García - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):687-698.
    A partir de las deficiencias detectadas en la evaluación de los objetivos educativos en la asignatura Morfofisiología I de la carrera de Estomatología, determinadas en un estudio previo realizado en la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey, se diseñó una metodología para facilitar a los docentes indicadores que les permitan considerar los objetivos educativos dentro de la evaluación final de los estudiantes. Se incluyen etapas, procedimientos y pasos para la instrumentación de la misma. Se considera que la misma facilitará un juicio (...)
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    Espacio de Artista Como Heterotopía.María Covadonga Barreiro Rodríguez-Robles, María Begoña Paz García & Icíar Ezquieta Llamas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-13.
    Taller, estudio, laboratorio, fábrica… el espacio de trabajo del artista ha ido tomando diversos nombres, asumiendo diferentes formas y configuraciones. Pero en esencia se trata de un espacio funcional donde cada artista crea y produce su obra. Es un contexto altamente simbólico, activo y performativo, un lugar ideal para la ejecución de acciones y procesos en los que explorar la fenomenología del medio como un espacio educacional.“Espacio de artista” es un proyecto artístico-pedagógico que toma el estudio o taller en tanto (...)
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  15.  30
    Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility and Product Perceptions in Consumer Markets: A Cross-cultural Evaluation.Jaywant Singh, Maria del Mar Garcia Salmones Sanchez & Igancio Rodriguez Bosque - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (3):597-611.
    The concept of corporate social responsibility is becoming integral to effective corporate brand management. This study adopts a multidimensional and cross-country perspective of the concept and analyses consumer perceptions of behaviour of four leading consumer products manufacturers. Data was collected from consumers in two countries – Spain and the UK. The study analyses consumers’ degree of interest in corporate responsibility and its impact on their perception about the company. The findings here suggest a weak impact of company-specific communication on consumers’ (...)
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    Configuración de subjetividades a partir de la visibilización del dolor.Gloria Inés Correa Aristizábal, Ángela María Cadavid Marín, Maryluz Aponte Sarmiento & Yuliana Andrea Marín Londoño - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (6):52-63.
    El presente artículo, permite evidenciar la configuración de subjetividades de algunos adolescentes a partir de la visibilización del dolor, en tanto son portadores de una historia que los ha afectado, ya que han sido protagonistas directos de situaciones de violencia en escenarios que reclaman justicia social, tanto para sus familias como para la comunidad donde se movilizan. Palabras clave: aislamiento, cohesión familiar, desarraigo, dolor y subjetividad.
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    Application of Supervised Machine Learning for Behavioral Biomarkers of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Electrodermal Activity and Virtual Reality.Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Javier Marín-Morales, Juan L. Higuera-Trujillo, Elena Olmos, Maria E. Minissi, Gonzalo Teruel Garcia, Marian Sirera & Luis Abad - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  18.  27
    Joy in Movement: Traditional Sporting Games and Emotional Experience in Elementary Physical Education.Verónica Alcaraz-Muñoz, María Isabel Cifo Izquierdo, Gemma Maria Gea García, José Ignacio Alonso Roque & Juan Luis Yuste Lucas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    An Integrated Psychosocial Model of Relatives' Decision About Deceased Organ Donation : Joining Pieces of the Puzzle.Jorge S. López, Maria Soria-Oliver, Begoña Aramayona, Rubén García-Sánchez, José M. Martínez & María J. Martín - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La invención del hombre desde la exteriorización tecno-lógica: una relación asimétrica.Steve Macraigne, María Daniela Parra Bernal & Sergio Néstor Osorio García - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (119):215-237.
    Uno de los problemas centrales que el filósofo francés Bernard Stiegler ha abordado para sostener una constitución tecno- lógica de la humanidad, es la cuestión del origen del hombre. El asunto recae en preguntarse si es posible pensar quién es el hombre desde esta tesis, sin volver a la metafísica o la filosofía trascendental. Esta posición ha de estar enraizada en una ontología que aprehenda el componente causal a nivel relacional, dejando de lado las explicaciones en las cuales la causa (...)
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  21. A filosofia na escola secundária brasileira: Breve reflexão histórica de um movimento intermitente.Bento Salvio Pequin, Maria Fernanda Alves Garcia Montero & Gilson Ruy Monteiro Teixeira - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (9):54-70.
    A disciplina Filosofia no ensino secundário/médio brasileiro apresenta um movimento de intermitência caracterizado ora pela presença garantida, ora pela presença indefinida e ora pela ausência garantida, tal como define Dalton José Alves. Analisar esse fenômeno pela perspectiva da história das disciplinas escolare,s sob a compreensão de Chervel e Goodson, foi o objetivo deste trabalho. Para a investigação utilizou-se como fontes as leis de reformas do ensino secundário brasileiro, os programas da disciplina e a distribuição da carga horária destinada ao seu (...)
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  22. Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility and Product Perceptions in Consumer Markets: A Cross-cultural Evaluation. [REVIEW]Jaywant Singh, Maria del Mar Garcia de los Salmones Sanchez & Igancio Rodriguez del Bosque - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (3):597-611.
    The concept of corporate social responsibility is becoming integral to effective corporate brand management. This study adopts a multidimensional and cross-country perspective of the concept and analyses consumer perceptions of behaviour of four leading consumer products manufacturers. Data was collected from consumers in two countries – Spain and the UK. The study analyses consumers’ degree of interest in corporate responsibility and its impact on their perception about the company. The findings here suggest a weak impact of company-specific communication on consumers’ (...)
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  23. María G. Navarro: Interpretar argumentando.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2011 - Isegoría 44:366-372.
    Escribir hoy en día un libro sobre hermenéutica, que tal hermenéutica se refiera a la desarrollada por G. Gadamer en su conocido Verdad y método y que se pretenda añadir algo nuevo a lo mucho escrito sobre el tema parecería, a primera vista, empresa irrealizable. Que ambas pretensiones inspiren la sólida monografía de María G. Navarro —titulada Interpretar y argumentar— constituye empresa audaz y arriesgada, plena de coraje innovador, que provoca admiración, curiosidad e interés. Contra lo que pudiera parecer a (...)
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    Vicente Vicente, María José (coord.) (2023). Las nuevas extremas derechas en el mundo. Tirant lo Blanch. 544 páginas.María José García Solana - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (1):77-79.
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  25. La literatura y el vivir literario en María Zambrano.María Maillart García - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:79-80.
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    The Effect of COVID-19 Confinement in Behavioral, Psychological, and Training Patterns of Chess Players.Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, María José Martínez Patiño, Santos Villafaina & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Board of Directors and Ethics Codes in Different Corporate Governance Systems.Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Luis Rodríguez-Domínguez & José-Valeriano Frías-Aceituno - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):681-698.
    Business ethics is one of the most significant demands made by institutional and individual investors, who usually require the participation of the board of directors in the planning and implementation of ethical behaviour in corporations. This is done by drawing up an ethics code and then monitoring its fulfilment. This study has a dual objective: first, to analyse the role played by the composition of the board of directors, and by that we mean its independence and the diversity of its (...)
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  28.  38
    Towards a Process Epistemology for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems.Maria Mancilla Garcia, Tilman Hertz & Maja Schlüter - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):221-239.
    This paper proposes an epistemological approach to analyse social-ecological systems from a process perspective in order to better tackle the co-constitution of the social and the ecological and the dynamism of these systems. It highlights the usefulness of rethinking our conceptual tools taking processes and relations as the main constituents of reality instead of fundamental substances or essences. We introduce the concept of experience as understood in radical empiricism to critically revise our available concepts through focusing on the concept of (...)
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  29.  42
    Assurance of corporate social responsibility reports: Does it reduce decoupling practices?Isabel-María García-Sánchez, Nazim Hussain, Cristina Aibar-Guzmán & Beatriz Aibar-Guzmán - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):118-138.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Luces y sombras de la relevancia histórica según el tipo de actividad: diseño de una propuesta de descriptores para la optimización de la evaluación.Alejandro López-García, María Victoria Zaragoza Vidal, Jesús Molina Saorín & Francisco Javier Trigueros Cano - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:107-130.
    El conocimiento histórico –entendido como un proceso metacognitivo de asimilación constructiva sobre el pasado para explicar fenómenos– comporta un análisis del impacto y la transcendencia de determinados acontecimientos y procesos históricos, en cuya comprensión y valoración influye el concepto de relevancia histórica. Desde esta perspectiva es necesario implementar propuestas de evaluación sólidas, vinculadas al desarrollo competencial. El objetivo de este estudio es diseñar una guía de caracterización de los instrumentos evaluativos –actividades y ejercicios– más utilizados por el profesorado de Historia, (...)
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  31.  27
    Determinants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Social Networking Sites About Negative News on CSR.Maria del Mar García-de los Salmones, Angel Herrero & Patricia Martínez - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):583-597.
    Social network sites are a new communication channel to convey CSR information. They are interactive channels that let users participate, spread content and generate positive and negative electronic word-of-mouth about companies that can dramatically affect their reputation and future business. To identify the factors behind this behaviour, we designed a causal model to explain the intention to both comment on and share a negative corporate social responsibility news posted on Facebook. We included the following as explanatory variables: social consciousness, environmental (...)
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  32.  51
    A concept analysis of professional commitment in nursing.Loreto García-Moyano, Rogelio Altisent, Begoña Pellicer-García, Sandra Guerrero-Portillo, Oihana Arrazola-Alberdi & María Teresa Delgado-Marroquín - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):778-797.
    Background: The concept of professional commitment is being widely studied at present. However, although it is considered an indicator for the most human part of nursing care, there is no clear definition for it, and different descriptors are being used indiscriminately to reference it. Objective: The aim of this study is to clarify the concept of professional commitment in nursing through the Rodgers’ evolutionary concept analysis process. Design: Systematic search using English and Spanish descriptors and concept analysis. Studies published between (...)
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    The moderating role of board monitoring power in the relationship between environmental conditions and corporate social responsibility.Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):114-129.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Evaluation of a Psychological Intervention for Patients with Chronic Pain in Primary Care.Francisco J. Cano-García, María del Carmen González-Ortega, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso & Roberto Moreno-Borrego - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  35. Exploración en la Competencia de Auto-Administración y Ética (Exploration in the Competence Ethic & Self-Administration).María Guadalupe Molina García - 2012 - Daena 7 (1):1-4.
    Resumen. En esta exploración se centra en identificar y desarrollar en dos grupos de la materia deComportamiento Organizacional a nivel licenciatura la competencia de auto-administración y ética conun enfoque humanista y para ello, se comienza por utilizar un instrumento que permita realizar un primeracercamiento se presentan los resultados preliminares.Palabras clave. Auto-administración, ética y competencia.. This exploration is focused on identifying and developing into two groups regardingorganizational behavior undergraduate competence and ethical self-administration with a humanisticapproach and for that, you begin to (...)
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  36.  13
    What Academic Factors Influence Satisfaction With Clinical Practice in Nursing Students? Regressions vs. fsQCA.David Fernández-García, María Del Carmen Giménez-Espert, Elena Castellano-Rioja & Vicente Prado-Gascó - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Clinical practices are considered one of the cornerstones in nurses' education. This study provides a framework to determine how factors in the academic environment, influence nursing student's satisfaction with their practices. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in a convenience sample of 574 nursing students at a private university in Valencia, during the 2016/2017 academic year, 79% were women. Two statistical methodologies were used for data analysis: hierarchical regression models and fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis. The HRM indicate that the (...)
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    Revealing Unconscious Consumer Reactions to Advertisements That Include Visual Metaphors. A Neurophysiological Experiment.Jesús García-Madariaga, Ingrit Moya, Nuria Recuero & María-Francisca Blasco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Unconscious biases in task choices depend on conscious expectations.Carlos González-García, Pío Tudela & María Ruz - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:44-56.
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    Exploring the Evolution of Educational Methods: Perspectives from Imaginative Culture and Human Nature.Andrés Felipe Ariza García, María Luz González Díaz, Marcelo Fabian Rosero Santana, Juan Miguel Choque Flores & Carlos Volter Buenaño Pesántez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:54-61.
    Education is a fundamental pillar in human development, and its evolution throughout history has been influenced by a variety of factors, including imaginative culture and human nature. In this study, we explore how educational methods have evolved in response to the interaction between these two aspects. We look at how human creativity, imagination, and adaptation have influenced the way we teach and learn, from early forms of knowledge transmission to more contemporary approaches focused on active student engagement and the development (...)
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    The development of a clinical policy ethics assessment tool.Diego José Garcia-Capilla, Alfonso Rubio-Navarro, Maria José Torralba-Madrid & Jane Rutty - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2259-2277.
    Introduction: Clinical policies control several aspects of clinical practice, including individual treatment and care, resource management and healthcare professionals’ etiquette. This article presents Clinical Policy Ethics Assessment Tool, an ethical assessment tool for clinical policies that could be used not only by clinical ethics committees but also by policy committees or other relevant groups. Aim: The aim of this study was to find or create a tool to identify ethical issues and/or confirm ethical validity in nursing practice policies, protocols and (...)
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  41. ¿Intuición o confianza racional?María D. García Arnaldos - 2018 - Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (2):49.
    Intuition or rational trust? Resumen: Según la concepción tradicional, la justificación de las creencias lógicas básicas —entendida tanto inferencial como no-inferencialmente— no logra evitar ni la circularidad, ni la regresión al infinito. Justificar reglas básicas lógicas inferencialmente conlleva usar principios lógicos con lo que se genera un círculo vicioso. Apelar a fuentes básicas como la intuición, no sortea todas las dificultades. Argumentaré que es preciso recurrir a una “habilitación”, una sub-clase dentro de las garantías epistémicas. Si además aceptamos que intuir (...)
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    El sufrimiento existencial en el paciente oncológico en estadio avanzado: dimensiones y ejes vertebradores para la intervención psicológica.Joaquín García-Alandete & María Jesús Hernández Jiménez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):319-330.
    El sufrimiento existencial en el paciente oncológico en estadio avanzado: dimensiones y ejes vertebradores para la intervención psicológica Sofrimento existencial no paciente oncológico em estágio avançado: dimensões e eixos vertebrais para intervenção psicológica The relief of existential suffering in the patients with adavanced cancer is a first-order therapeutic goal. The present work suggests some axis on which psychotherapeutic intervention could be developed, in order to facilitate in these patients: 1) The experience of: In spite of the "existing" limited situation, one's (...)
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  43. Transference, or identity theories of causation?María José García-Encinas - 2004 - Theoria 19 (1):31-47.
    Transference theorists propose to explain causation in terms of the transference of a physical element. I argue, in two steps, that this is not possible. First, I show that available accounts of ‘transference’ ultimately convey that transference -and, consequently, causation- is the (non-relational) identity over time of the transferred element (a universal, a trope, or even an absolute substance). But, second, I try to defend, it is conceptually impossible that causation is (non-relational) identity.
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    festival Publicatessen: herramienta para la integración de competencias académicas y profesionales.Noemí Martín García, Alberto Martín García & María Ángeles Núñez Cansado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-14.
    El Festival Publicatessen se desarrolla desde hace catorce ediciones en el campus María Zambrano de la Universidad de Valladolid. Está organizado por el alumnado de cuarto curso del grado en Publicidad y RR.PP., con la coordinación directa del profesorado. El objetivo de esta publicación es conocer la valoración de aquellos exestudiantes que han participado, y conocer qué competencias han desarrollado de cara a su vida profesional. Los resultados muestran que es una acción muy positiva para ellos y la reconocen como (...)
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    Tacitus in the Discorso politico of Ottavio Sammarco: from threat of war into politics.Maria Sol Garcia Gonzalez - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (1):10-26.
    In 1626, the Neapolitan Ottavio Sammarco published the Discorso politico intorno la conseruatione della pace dell'Italia in which the author referred to the King of Spain as arbiter among the Italian princes and his ministers in Italy as efficient instruments to ensure the stability. This piece of political literature shows an explicit practical orientation, through which the author carries out a systematisation of the political means to achieve quietness in Italy. In articulating the praxis into formal language, Sammarco looks to (...)
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  46. Cognitive Abduction in the Study of Visual Culture.María G. Navarro & Noemi de Haro García - 2012 - Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Western and Eastern Studies 2:205-220.
    In this paper art history and visual studies, the disciplines that study visual culture, are presented as a field whose conjectural paradigm can be used to understand the epistemic problems associated with abduction. In order to do so, significant statements, concepts and arguments from the work of several specialists in this field have been highlighted. Their analysis shows the fruitfulness and potential for understanding the study of visual culture as a field that is interwoven with the assumptions of abductive cognition.
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  47. Singular Causation without Dispositions.María José García-Encinas - 2011 - Theoria 26 (1):35-50.
    Is singular causation best understood within a dispositionalist framework? Although a positive answer has not yet been wholly developed, different philosophers have made some positive contributions suggesting that it is. Against these suggestions, I claim that any possible account of singular causation in terms of real, irreducible, dispositions conveys unsolvable flaws in its very metaphysical foundations.
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  48. Transference, or identity theories of causation?María José García-Encinas - 2010 - Theoria 19 (1):31-47.
    I argue that transference is, ultimately, identity over time, and that identity over time can't possibly be causation. Transference, then, fails as an analysis of causation.
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    Human Nature and Condition: Conceptual Reflections from Arendt, Gadamer and Thinkers on the Topic of Hope María Dolores García Perea - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):96-100.
    This paper reflects on the notion and structural components of two concepts: the human condition and human nature. Likewise, it is proposed that both concepts should be included in the basic themes not only in the field of Educational Philosophy, but also in all disciplines where the human being occupies a privileged place. Human condition is understood as a state of subjection to everything with which human beings interact and represents the starting point to ascend to three natures that correspond (...)
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    Los caminos compartidos del tacto y el sonido hacia la emoción: Evidencias neurocientíficas actuales.Álvaro García López, María José Lucía Mulas, Belén Ruiz Mezcua & José Manuel Sánchez Pena - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a722.
    La característica más representativa de la música es su capacidad de generar emoción. Pero ¿por qué la música emociona? En este artículo mostramos los conocimientos actuales de la teoría musical y la neurociencia que intentan explicar las relaciones que existen entre la música y las emociones. En primer lugar, se repasan los conocimientos actuales sobre el procesamiento de los sonidos musicales a nivel cerebral y las posibles explicaciones del origen de la emoción musical, así como la contribución de los distintos (...)
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